
Talking about polo is talking about horses and big green fields, is also talking about family, tradition and history. But what is also true is that talking about this sport is also to think about white trousers, a garment that has made this discipline famous and for which is known worldwide, no matter how many don't know how it is played, its rules or where it comes from. 

Polo is a sport from Central Asia and the Middle East, which for those things of fate and turns of history, would become a sport that seduced certain west regions, being that hemisphere the zone which would be strongly rooted hundreds of years later. Played by Indian nobles and transferred by officers and generals of the British army when this Asian country was a colony of England, it would go from entertaining the afternoons of wealthy people in India to become a hobby of the British Crown in the middle of XIX century, who through notes received the playing instructions and, at the same time, the tradition of a whole town that acclaimed this sport. What began as a training for the cavalry in ancient Persia, became the favourite game of the nobility and upper class and, nowadays, thousands of years later, is still considered a sport of kings.

Polo is not only a sport, it's a discipline that tells a story, that talks about the traditions of a town and its costumes. The proof is that, even though it was created for training cavalry warriors, it later became a national sport in Persia, a place that we can suppose has great players, as this ancient empire has always been recognized by its horses and the skill of its riders.

Although for many years polo was a sport popularised only among men, there is evidence that in ancient times it was played by both men and women, even in ancient Persia the queen and her ladies played against different kings and their courtiers in about the VI century A.D. Fortunately, today women are again becoming more and more involved in the sport with incredible results.

As we can see now, polo is a sport with a wide history that goes thousands of years back, and has influenced the tradition and culture of different nations. Now, it was not only until the mid-1850s that the British cavalry created the first game rules and, years later, it definitely established in England. Nowadays, this country is one of the world powers in Polo. The first polo club was founded shortly after, by 1872 the Monmouthshire Club was already open and others in Hurlingham quickly followed.

Until now, we have talked about the history of polo, its origin and evolution. Now that we understand its provenance, we can go into the reasons for the use of white trousers. As we know, polo is a sport played in open fields, and it is usually played at summer. Being an outdoor game, it is normal to be exposed to high temperatures during the hottest season of the year, so over time and depending on the facilities of each generation, players have designed strategies to cope with the heat. Wearing light-weight and light-coloured clothing to matches has become the best way to combat the weather and the scorching sun.

Before polo whites existed as we know today, polo trousers have evolved through the years. A proof of that are the “Jodhpur”, a word that come from India and means riding trousers. The reason is that they come from a city of India with the same name, where by late 1800s were invented some trousers loose at the waist and tight past the knees - which you've probably seen in vintage films – an innovation that polo players liked because it provided freedom of movement while riding the horse and freshness in the inner leg. Those trousers became a fashion trend in the United Kingdom.


In the world of polo, every product has a story to tell. We already mentioned that fashion ended up getting involved in a sporting discipline where, more than fashion, there was a huge need to face the inclement summer weather. This is how the Jodhpur were born: a loose, light-weight and versatile garment that perfectly fit the polo boots but that, in the crotch, provided the freedom to manouevre over the horse. Today, one hundred years later, polo is played with the characteristic white trousers, a colour that became famous in the mid XX century for being a light colour that gave a feeling of freshness while on the field of play.

With current innovations, polo whites do not stop changing. Krono Polo has designed trousers specifically for this sport, with a panel on the inside leg to remove all the friction generated while riding the horse. They are made of Twill Cotton, a natural fiber that enhances its durability and smoothness.

Krono Polo is an English brand that has understood the needs of the polo players, and has focused on offering real and effective solutions for every matter on the game field. Krono Polo trousers have been trusted by the best polo players around the world, going with them to major international tournaments and providing excellent results to those who wear them. The sober design and the distinctive K woven on the side of the legs adds elegance and sophistication. 

Krono Polo whites are available both for men and women, you can easily order them on the webpage and they will be at your door within a few days. Visit now www.kronopolo.com