
Polo boots are considered by many to be the luxury item that every polo player has when playing polo. Like horses, polo boots have been valued for hundreds of years, thanks to a craft that has been nurtured as each generation brings new knowledge and tools, but still retains the craftsmanship, the quality of the materials and the essence of the tradition of more than a century of work in the art of leather goods.

Leather goods are docile, durable, smell exquisite and, when made from excellent quality leather, can last a lifetime. However, it is important to clarify that, in order for a leather shoe to mould to the shape of your foot and calf, you must first wear it for some time, allowing the leather to give way to the shape your foot gives it. Initially this may cause discomfort, therefore, it is advisable to start wearing the polo boots for short periods of time, and thus avoid the fatigue of a strenuous day in a newly purchased polo boot.

Krono Polo boots are extremely robust and hard-wearing. Once you put on a pair of these boots, you'll never go back. This footwear protects your legs from stray balls, scratches and gives you a good grip in the stirrups, which makes you feel much more secure and gives you a better grip against the saddle. Krono polo boots have a zip at the front of the boot, which makes them very easy to put on and take off. On the other hand, this makes the leather more flexible and allows it to adapt to your leg in a shorter time. 

The sizes in which polo boots are available are the usual sizes of a conventional shoe, or you can select the option of having your boots custom made to fit your body for a superior wearing experience. At first, they may be a little stiff as stated above, don't be alarmed, it is simply necessary for both you and your polo boots to get used to each other. It is important to clean and polish or oil the boots regularly, as the horse's sweat can damage them.

You may find polo boots a bit expensive, but it is worth investing in a product that will last you for many years and will be your faithful ally in every polo match or practice. Remember, although the leather used in Krono is fine-grained and of excellent quality, it is important that you take good care of it to ensure that all its properties last over time.

Style fact: The boots and knee pads are available in different shades of brown and black. It is a good idea to buy knee pads in the same colour as the boots. In our Krono Polo online shop we have both safety elements available. We also have custom polo boots; give us your measurements and we will make yours.

Go to www.kronopolo.com and explore the online shop.