This is an issue that many players face in the game. The most common solution players have for this problem is using stronger bits and draw rains. Unfortunately, it has been proved that it’s not the most efficient solution. If you want your pony to stop better, you might need to follow the advice of a professional horse trainer:

The first thing to do is to check your horse’s health with a vet. A horse that is in pain won’t use the body as it should, the same happens with humans. The two main pillars for a horse to be able to stop are a healthy mouth and back. Pelvis displacement is the main problem in polo ponies. A horse with back problems or with a wolf tooth will never perform as it should. 

Secondly, the key is to use the right bit. Stronger doesn’t always mean better. The horse’s bit could be compared with our training shoes, it is important that they fit and feel right. Some horses can be susceptible in the mouth and if the equipment is not accurate, they won’t respond to the commands as they should. Luckily nowadays there are bits for every pony. Finding the right one for your horse is like using the right pair of trainers. It makes all the difference.

Finally, draw rains can be an excellent tool for the rider to better control the horse. It is important to know how to use this tool. If you leave the draw rains too loose the horse won’t respond to them. But if you grab them too tight you restrict the horse’s movements making it harder for them to run and turn faster. 

Moreover, the horses’ bad habits can also cause this issue in the game. Many ex-racehorses are trained to run forward and not to stop. It is important for the horse to be retrained properly. They need to be trained with discipline and clear commands. Remember, try to understand the reason why they don’t stop and try to solve it, not force it. Once the horse understands the job it could be your next N1 pony that will make you win the game.

"Play with a purpose, with Krono Polo"

"Join the game and help ponies with Krono Polo"