Winter is a time loved and hated at the same time by many people, this year in particular has been fraught with heavy snowfalls and a cold that felt stronger than normal in many parts of the world. Madrid was under snow for several days, a phenomenon that had not occurred for several decades; Texas, in the United States, collapsed for several weeks because of the ice that formed in the streets as a result of its arctic temperatures that are not unusual.

However, little by little the cold season begins to diminish, and by the end of this month of March we will be entering spring. For this climate there is nothing like having a comfortable coat that is comfortable, made of soft fabric and that allows you to enjoy the cold in the street while maintaining a pleasant body temperature.

It is necessary for our hoodie to be waterproof, storms and drizzles still have room to continue surprising us during the day. Krono Polo has several types of sports and casual hoodies that serve to stay at home, the factor that all Krono hoodies have in common, is its cotton fabrics that make it a must have for this season, with hood and style maxi, which will make cold days the perfect excuse to wear Krono hoodies.

Among the winter clothing that Krono Polo has, we want to highlight its waterproof hoodie for being unique in the market, it is a waterproof hoodie that really repels water and we do not fall before the deception of garments that ensure us to stay dry, but in reality We ended up soaked through a little rain.

This hoodie has been available since February 1, 2021 and has broken a great sales record, thanks to its technology that allows you to keep the temperature no matter how cold the weather is. Ideal for attending the polo club in the morning or visiting the gym at night, its versatility allows it to be worn even at times like going out for a coffee or going out in the afternoon to a meeting with friends.

Its sober design in black and the distinctive K of the Krono Polo brand in white embroidery, allows it to be used with almost any garment, making it an article that can accompany us everywhere without anyone noticing that we have used it several times. in the same week. It is easy to care for and wash, we assure you that you will have this hoodie as a favorite in your closet for a long time.

To acquire this hoodie you can enter and add it to the shopping cart, don't worry, it doesn't matter where you are, since Krono Polo makes international shipments quickly and efficiently.