A polo helmet is not an item that is chosen lightly, this would seem obvious but the reality is that nowadays many polo players do not take the time to learn about the characteristics of the polo helmet, the manufacturing process and the reputation of the helmet manufacturer. A polo helmet can be the determining factor that saves your life in a risky situation, that is why we advise you to check very well that the helmet you are about to buy does fit your head properly and please, always wear it.

Helmets, as in any sport, protect our physical integrity and ensure the safety of one of the areas most prone to injury in polo. Polo is a sport where there is a higher than normal risk of suffering head injuries, as it is highly exposed when riding a horse, and brain contusions are one of the most dangerous causes to which polo players are exposed in every practice or tournament.

This is why there must be a regulation at the level of the demands imposed by the risks of playing polo, be it falls of the horse, trampling, getting hit by mallets or balls, or even by being crushed from the animal; we can see that there are many points that play against the polo players, so it is normal that the rules should be strict in this sense.

For some time now, the USPA has been working to create a protocol that brings together the essential factors to protect the lives of polo players and that is why it has turned to the National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment (Nocsae) to ensure that no element that could work against the players is left out . An important aspect of the Nocsae polo helmet standard change is to remind players of the risk of not wearing a safe polo helmet, to raise awareness for their safety and well-being.

Krono Polo polo helmets are manufactured with state-of-the-art technology. The engineering department has made a considerable investment in laboratory studies to understand how a helmet should behave in the event of a blow, seeking to ensure that it has the ideal degree of deformity and the necessary resistance to avoid craniocerebral injuries. This is how Krono Polo has paved the way to access the Nocsae certification, which by various physical tests to which the polo helmet is subjected, seeks a behaviour of the helmet that allows it to absorb the energy as best as possible, managing to dissipate it quickly so that the impact received by the polo player is greatly reduced. 

As an example of this, today Krono Polo helmets already have the PAS 015: 2011 standard, established by the HPA in England, which has the purpose of testing the polo helmets that circulate in the market, aiming that they fulfil a minimum of criteria to protect polo players in the United Kingdom and in different parts of the world that have adopted or have implemented the same certification.

Krono Polo has developed its helmet with improvements not only in design but also in technology, since the rigorous standard for Nocsae polo helmets implies an additional effort in the search to continue innovating Krono products, being this an incentive so that, in the promise of being a global brand and with top quality equipment, Krono Polo can continue to open new markets and continue at the forefront as a brand, which although it is new, has managed to consolidate itself as a reference in design and technology in different parts of the world.

A polo helmet saves lives, and that has been the mission of Nocsae polo helmets, the one who makes the decision to buy it and take care of yourself is you. More information