Choosing a collar for our four-legged friends is like choosing a gift for a loved one, which among other things must be beautiful and luxurious, as if it were a gift for someone we really care about. And no wonder, because the loyalty and love we receive from our pets is invaluable.

This is the starting point in our search for the best dog collars currently available on the market. Just like a human collar, dog collars should be able to bring out the best of our pet's personality. This essentially means that we have to look for the accessories that best represent the personality and character of our dogs.

We recognise that this is a very personal decision that reflects your individual preferences, but living with our dogs all the time and sharing different spaces with them will not be a very complicated decision. Next, we need to look at the overall design and construction of the neck accessory. We should focus on the material or materials used in its construction. It is important that the dog collar is soft and smooth and does not contain any harsh chemicals that may irritate the skin of your puppy or adult dog.

Safety is an important aspect, as our dogs are our best friends and as such are part of the family. This is why we would not want to use anything dangerous on them. This extends to the different features that may have been incorporated into the product. For example, if the fastening mechanism catches or cuts our dog's skin, then this would be very uncomfortable for our pets, they may become irritated and anxious.

Size and clearly durability are also favourable qualities of dog collars, especially for pets that are chewers by nature. We don't want to buy our dog a collar today and have to throw it tomorrow simply because our friend found it tastier than his usual chew toy. At the very least, you can bet that no matter how stubborn your dog is about chewing and chewing on just about anything, these dog collars should last for at least several years, saving you money in the process. 

All dog collars have important features. Here are the most important things to consider when choosing a collar for your dog:

  • Size:A collar that is too large can slip, and a collar that is too small can choke your dog or hurt his skin. Measure around your dog's neck and consult a sizing chart for the brand of collar you plan to buy. At Krono Belts we handle different collar diameters and collar widths so you can adjust it to your dog's breed.
  • Material: You will want to choose a material that is strong and durable. It must be able to resist any bites in case your dog bites it.
  • Type: There are several types of collars and you will need to choose one that matches the purpose you have in using it. Krono Belts dog collars are perfect for a walk or a day out at the polo club.

Visit our new website and discover the different and colourful designs we have for your four-legged friend.