We have always had the dilemma of never knowing how to add personality to our look, a fast and simple answer would be using a cap, they are informal and versatile, perfect for a day of practice or an Argentinian bbq, having a beer with some mates or having a nice time.

Some people prefer to not use caps because they feel like it is inappropriate, but like everything in life, it depends the moment in which you decide to use it. They are ideal to use them with a casual look, this doesn’t mean that you have to look unorganized, you can wear a t-shirt, jumper and a jogger, complementing it with fashionable trainers and you will have and ideal look with and elaborate freestyle but without all that effort.


When should you use a cap?

Normally it is associated to be an accessory for the summer, but in reality, you can use them in any moment of the year, at the end their function is to protect our face from the weather. Caps give us that style to our personality, that turn us into a sort of fashion and stylish icon. Knowing how to use them and combine them can send a very positive message about you and who you are.

Caps have no gender.

The belief used to be that this article would only be reserved for men, however, it has had a very good welcome by the women of the pubic, they have even explored way more possibilities of how to wear them and day to day teach us the many perfect ways to wear them.

The key is to take risks with them, the most important part is that you feel comfortable with them and that you are enjoying the moment while you are wearing them, it could either be in the beach, at the university or even just to drink a cup of coffee with some jeans on or with a monochromatic look, look for a way of how your cap can be the protagonist of your look without taking your spotlight.

The capsfrom the brand Krono Polo are sophisticated and sober, the combination of colourful sparkles with a black background, give it that extra touch of being in fashion, but allowing them to always be in sync with fashion, the camouflage with the horses silhouettes finish give them those finishing touches and give them that look of not being made out of the blue, other wise made by a team of designers that thought on the cap from beginning to end.

Additionally, the brand Krono Polo gives you the chance to personalize your cap to your liking and make it into and exclusive and unique item, thought only for you, which will give you that extra image without even having to speak.

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