The best way to overcome uncertainty is by creating your own future.

While the year that ended left sequels that will be difficult to heal, the new year that comes will not be about taking care of our wounds. 2021 is about continuing to fight, creating, innovating and maintaining the thrust to go much further. Albert Einstein said: 

“The crisis is the best blessing that can happen to people and countries, because the crisis brings progress. Creativity is born from anguish, as the day is born from the dark night.” 

This is how we recognise in these wise words the focus that will be of Krono Polo in 2021, a year with new challenges and launches where we seek constant growth, while maintaining the high-quality standards with which we are marked.

There is only one way: to move forward

We are a young brand that recently turned one year in the market, that year was marked by a unique global situation that has left us multiple lessons and opportunities, if in our first year of life we have managed to reinforce, what comes after this is to continue growing at an unstoppable pace, our vision is to be present everywhere where you can breathe polo in the air and where blood boils for this sport, more than on a whim, it is a passion that we feel for polo that failing is not an option in our project as a company.

In the midst of a turbulent year we have had great launches and expanded the offer range of polo articles, none of which were of low quality or intended to be a seasonal polo article while the market reactivates. For 2021 we promise great launches and improvements that will positively impact the world of polo and demonstrate our ability to reinvent ourselves and constantly adapt to the environment.

For 2021 we promise to continue making an opening into our golf line, without leaving aside our essence of polo articles. Let's remember that Krono is not only a brand to be used while on the horse playing chukkas, but that it also has a wide portfolio which reflects the daily style of a polo player or lover. The line of shirts, t-shirts, personalized clothing and caps, with the main inspiration that is polo, are designed for anyone who loves horses even if they have never been on one.

Our purpose: to be global

We value our roots in London, but, like our founder Camila, who was born in Colombia and studied in England, we want to make Krono Polo a brand that is inspired by references from various continents and reaches them all in many ways. Today we participate in different polo tournaments held in Argentina, the United Arab Emirates, the United States, Spain, France and England; however, we want to reach countries where the love for polo is just being discovered, but where it is difficult to obtain high-quality articles for those who wish to play, thus having the double task of spreading the sport of polo and consolidating ourselves at an international level as a brand that is open to all the needs of each player.

Today, we look back at every item produced: polo helmets, elbow pads, knee pads and custom polo uniforms and are proud of the many hours of work that went into making each piece, but we are confident that what is to come by 2021 will be much bigger and the aspirations will be twice the size of what has been achieved so far. It is a promise we make to our fans and to the polo world.

Team Krono Polo